Monday, 15 November 2010

Artist: linkin park
album name: Meteora
genre: rap/punk rock

generic conventions: The Band name, album name and tracks are all shown on the cover.
also not a real picture and so induces fantasy.

font style/ lettering: Linkin Park often use ‘Impact’, or ‘Rockwell’ styled fonts for their album covers. This gives a familiar idea to fans of what content will be contained within the album. The Linkin Park logo, at the time, is also on the cover which has specific meaning to already familiar fans.

sound: very urban, punk rock music with rap like singing and lyrics. allot of attitude put into the music.

colour: The only colours contained within the album cover are a green/mucky beige colour. (There is also black and white which aren’t technically colours.) This colour represents pollution and gives the album cover an urban look. This links to the music of the album.

image: graffiti artist is presented painting with typical ladders, sheets and graffiti cans for equipment. The gas mask again highlights the mukey, polluted colour of the picture and indicates more fumes than just the paint cans.

mise-en-scene: The picture displayed on the CD cover only takes up about one half of the cover. This is unusual in comparison to most other CD covers as the picture usually takes up the entire space used for the cover. The description of the picture can be found in object or you could just look at it yourself on the previous page! The cover also contains text of the band name, album name, tracks and a ‘features:’ sticker. The rest of the background is black.

representation: The graffiti artist is shown concentrating on his work in a clean environment with a safety mask. He is not represented as a vandal but as an artist focusing on his work. for me this represents how the band feels hoe the world See's them as being criminal rebellious and off the rails but really they are making art and the kind they like and that really they just enjoy what they are doing. also there may be some controversy in the position the man is sitting as it is quite a venerable position for a man of whom is advertising a punk band.

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